Website Deletion Request

Submit this form to initiate the deletion process for a Gato site.

  • Deletion requests may only be approved by the owner of a site.
  • Deleting a Gato site will permanently delete all pages and assets associated with the site. Pages and assets for this site will be unrecoverable after the deletion process is complete.
  • If the site is currently live, the URL for the site can be temporarily redirected to another URL of your choice for 6-months, if desired.
  • After submitting this form, and confirming the request, the site will be deleted in approximately 5 business days.
Ex. abc123
Please enter your website title or root page name exactly as it appears in gato-edit.
What is the status of this site? *
i.e., the site has a URL and is publicly available.
i.e., the site is not publicly available and is archived within Gato.
i.e., this site is a sandbox and has never been publicly available.
Add the URL for this site if the site is currently live.
The current URL for this site will redirect users to this destination, if desired.
Identify your role with this site: *
We must validate this request with the site owner before moving forward.
We must validate this request with the site owner before moving forward.
Please affirm the following: *
Please affirm the following: *
e.g., the site was abandoned, the department/program/service no longer exists, or other reasons.